Gorilla Tag Map - model + pack 500mb


 Maps are unique areas in Gorilla Tag where players can play default infection or other game modes. Currently, there are 7 standard maps.

This mod is 1:1 scale to the gorilla tag game so that means you will have to crouch in some places with a human-sized avatar

New Gorilla Tag Map

Gorilla Tag Map Download

Noticed other gorilla tag maps from the latest version of the game so I made this, the map is ripped from the latest version of gorilla tag as of 2023, I intend to update this mod as the game gets updates too, and to try to make it as similar to the original game as possible.

old gorilla tag map

the whole gorilla tag map! but some textures aren't there! I DIDN'T MAKE THE MAP! I don't know who made it so credit to the guy who made it!

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